AD7415ARTZ-0500RL7 Analog Devices IC, TEMP SENSOR, 10BIT, 0.5°C, SOT23-5

Part Nnumber
IC, TEMP SENSOR, 10BIT, 0.5°C, SOT23-5
Analog Devices
Basic price
3,46 EUR

The product with part number AD7415ARTZ-0500RL7 (IC, TEMP SENSOR, 10BIT, 0.5°C, SOT23-5) is from company Analog Devices and distributed with basic unit price 3,46 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 6 weeks, Weight is 0.002 Kg, Custom Tariff 85423990, Origin Malaysia.

SVHC: No SVHC (16-Jun-2014) Sensing Accuracy Range: ± 0.5°C Sensing Temperature Max: +125°C Sensing Temperature Min: -40°C

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