Product Details for Material from Analog Devices - AD7303BRZ - IC, DAC,8BIT,DUAL,R-R,8-SOIC

AD7303BRZ Analog Devices IC, DAC,8BIT,DUAL,R-R,8-SOIC

Part Nnumber
Analog Devices
Basic price
8,66 EUR

The product with part number AD7303BRZ (IC, DAC,8BIT,DUAL,R-R,8-SOIC) is from company Analog Devices and distributed with basic unit price 8,66 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 10 weeks, Weight is 0.002 Kg, Custom Tariff 85423990, Origin Malaysia.

ADC / DAC Case Style: SOIC Data Interface: 3 Wire, Microwire, QSPI, Serial, SPI Input Channel Type: Serial MSL: MSL 1 - Unlimited No. of Pins: 8 Operating Temperature Max: 105°C Operating Temperature Min: -40°C Packaging: Each Resolution (Bits): 8bit SVHC: No SVHC (16-Jun-2014) Sampling Rate: 833kSPS Supply Voltage Range: 2.7V to 5.5V

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