EVAL-ADM3053EBZ Analog Devices Evaluation Board CAN Transceiver, DC-DC

Part Nnumber
Evaluation Board CAN Transceiver, DC-DC
Analog Devices
Basic price
66,29 EUR

The product with part number EVAL-ADM3053EBZ (Evaluation Board CAN Transceiver, DC-DC) is from company Analog Devices and distributed with basic unit price 66,29 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

ClassificationDevelopment Kit Kit ContainsEvaluation Board for ADM3053 TechnologyCAN Product Details Evaluation Board for ADM3053 Signal and Power Isolated CAN Transceiver 2.5kVrms signal and power isolated CAN transceiverisoPower integrated isolated dc-to-dc converter5 Volts operation on Vcc5 or 3.3 Volts operation on VIOComplies with ISO 11898 standardHigh speed data rates of up to 1MbpsUnpowered nodes do not disturb the busConnect 110 or more nodes on the busSlope control for reduced EMIThermal shutdown protectionHigh common-mode transient immunity: >25kV/μs CAN Controllers & Transceivers Controller Area Network (CAN or CAN-bus) is a computer network protocol and bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other without a host computer. It was designed specifically for automotive applications but is now also used in other areas.CAN transceivers allow protocol layer CAN controllers to access the physical layer bus.

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